Monday 22 April 2013

Sticks And Stones

As the old saying goes sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. What reminds of this is a debate currently going on in the comments section of Bangordubs blog. Some Protestants have never had any problem calling Roman Catholics Fenians no matter how many middle class respectable people may choose to deny it. But all that shows is how ignorant they are of their own history. Another word popular with some Protestants to label Roman Catholics with is Taigs. Which often features in the phrase the Taigs get everything while we get nothing. One word that seems to have fallen out of favour with some of the more outspoken Protestants is papists often used by the more religious among them. But as many of them now share political  power with the other side maybe we should not be to surprised. As far as I know name calling has never killed anyone here. But it doesn't do any good for community relation either.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hobo,

    I have a guest blogger on my site, Cleenish, feel free to come on over and comment sure
